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Top 10 Best Grow Lights For Succulents In 2024

Gretchen Rubin
  May 10, 2024 7:48 AM

The Best Grow Lights For Succulents can be difficult to locate among the different manufacturers and versions. The majority of them, on the other hand, may not meet the product's primary needs or application criteria.

However, in our Best Grow Lights For Succulents review, we kept and focused on a few issues and quality, such as user-friendly features, great quality, notable performance, all-around features, increased lifespan and value for money.

In order to ensure your satisfaction, we conducted a thorough evaluation of each product's performance-to-price ratio. You can see many famous brand like Lxyoug, JUEYINGBAILI, Ankace, DOMMIA, SUWITU, Mosthink, GooingTop, KINGBO, Apipi. 


Let's face it: succulents can be difficult to maintain alive in the house, despite what many people believe. Because they come originally from arid climates, they need a lot of light to flourish inside, which is not always easy to offer. It's possible that even a south-facing window won't get your succulent quite enough light. Consequently, grow lights are a fantastic option for individuals who are cultivating succulents indoors. If you've never purchased a grow light before, the process may seem daunting; nevertheless, it's actually rather easy to get up and running.

Before you go out and buy a grow light for your succulents, there are some key factors to think about. You should carefully consider your specific needs before purchasing a grow lamp because there is a wide range of options available in terms of size, intensity, and cost. To help you choose the best grow light for your indoor succulents, we've compiled the most important considerations.

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Buying Guide

Types of Grow Lights

Metal halide (MH), high pressure sodium (HPS), fluorescent, and light-emitting diode (LED) grow lights are just some of the options currently on the market. However, we will only go into depth on fluorescent grow lights and LEDs for the purposes of smaller indoor applications (as opposed to medium to large greenhouse installations). These are two of the most common types of grow lights, and they work wonderfully with succulents.


Succulents can be grown successfully in a home environment using LED grow lights. Because of their low operating temperatures and long lifespan, LEDs are safe for plants even if they are put too close to the light source. Although the high purchase price of LED grow lights was once a major drawback, the relative cost has fallen as these lights have grown more popular and widely available.

Fluorescent Lights

Both CFLs and fluorescent tubes are suitable for use as grow lights when working with fluorescent lighting. Both can be used successfully for succulents; the deciding factor will likely be how much room you have for your grow lamp arrangement. In general, fluorescent lights are inexpensive, effective, and flexible. Growers should exercise caution when using fluorescent grow lights because they do not last as long as LEDs and tend to run hotter than LEDs. Because of the presence of mercury in fluorescent bulbs, they are not as easily recycled as other types of light bulbs.

Light Output

It's important to keep in mind that lumens are the primary unit of measurement for light output or brightness. Because of the subjectivity of human perception, it is essential to check the grow light's parameters before making a purchase. Choose a grow light with a lumen output of 300 to 800 per square foot.


The wattage of a lamp is merely an indicator of the amount of electricity it consumes and says nothing about the amount or quality of light it emits. However, comparing grow lights based on their lumens per watt output is a helpful way to gauge their energy efficiency. More efficient lighting is associated with a greater lumens per watt ratio.

Full Spectrum

There is a spectrum of wavelengths in the light spectrum, and they correspond to what we perceive as the various colors. In general, blue light promotes plant growth and flowering, while red light encourages plant growth but not flowering. However, full spectrum, white lights enable healthy plant growth without the bothersome purple light, whereas red and blue-only grow lights can be slightly more efficient.


Because of the great variety of grow lights available in terms of size, intensity, and use, the price range for these devices is similarly broad. If you only need a little bit of light to help a single or two houseplants flourish, you can probably buy a grow lamp for that purpose for $50 to $100. A more substantial investment of several hundred dollars at least may be necessary if you plan to utilize grow lights to cultivate a big number of succulents in a greater area.

How Many Plants?

The yield from a given grow light setup is proportional to the quantity of plants you have and the type of light you utilize. Covering a small collection of succulents and cacti with a grow lamp is an easy task.

Single-bulb or clip-on grow lights are ideal for use with a limited number of plants. This will let your grow light focus on a certain area.

The size and number of grow lights you'll need will depend on the size of your plant collection and individual plants.

Lights hung from the ceiling provide the best all-around illumination. As was previously discussed, tube lights provide the most coverage for your plants.

To properly care for your succulents, you may want to consider purchasing more than one grow light if you have them located in different rooms of your house.


Do succulents need a grow light indoors?

Succulents can technically survive in a home without the use of grow lights. However, it is generally suggested, particularly if your house doesn't receive at least a few hours of direct sunlight per day.

Do white grow lights work for growing plants?

Simply put, absolutely! White grow lights, in contrast to their red and blue counterparts, are more universal in their ability to stimulate both vegetative and reproductive growth. These lights are very popular among hobbyists and indoor gardeners because of the improved look they create.

Is a grow light good for succulents?

Yes! To make sure your treasured plants are getting adequate light, grow lights are a great investment. When we bring our succulents inside, we can cultivate them in what kind of light is ideal for indoor plant growth?

You should use full-spectrum growing lights, as they cover the entire spectrum of light that your succulents and cacti need to thrive.


When it comes to indoor plant cultivation, there is no "best" kind of light. They wouldn't have a chance of survival in the wild due to the extreme variety of conditions.

A lack of sufficient daylight in some locations makes it difficult to prevent succulents and cacti from becoming etiolated. Grow lights are an excellent solution to this issue since they allow you to provide your plants the light they need even when the days are short and dark.

Grow lights are a risk-free alternative to exposing your plants to more direct sunlight if you need to give them extra light.

How much grow light do succulents need?

How much light your succulents require is going to vary based on the species you have and how much direct sunlight they get on a regular basis. Your plants need at least six hours of light per day in order to grow healthy and not spread out.

However, many horticulturists advise exposing plants to sunlight for at least 12 hours per day for optimal results. This can be accomplished by using both natural sunshine and artificial grow lights. So long as they get enough of it, your plants won't care what kind of light they're exposed to.

You may only need to supplement your plants' natural light with the grow light for a few hours a day, depending on how much sun they receive during the day. Unless your indoor location is naturally dim, you may need to make seasonal adjustments to your grow lights.

Always keep in mind that your plant's light cycle is particularly significant throughout the periods of hibernation and blooming. Despite the fact that most houseplants never go into dormancy, it is often necessary to force your plants into bloom.


For example, holiday cacti have very particular requirements for light and dormancy in order to bloom at the correct time of year. To coax your plants into blooming when you want them to, you may need to control the timing and intensity of their exposure to light.

Always do your homework to find out what kind of care and how much light your plants need. To ensure optimal growth conditions, it is best to keep plants together that have comparable requirements.


If you're cultivating plants that require an extreme quantity of light or you just want to optimally illuminate a greater area, high-powered LED grow lights with a light output of more than 300W are a great choice. These succulents grow lights are a significant improvement over standard grow lights in terms of plant growth and energy efficiency.

However, a fully established LED system isn't always necessary; if you only want to cultivate a few succulents, a cheap and energy-efficient little LED grow lamp will do just fine. In spite of the fact that they aren't nearly as powerful as their more powerful counterparts, you can count on them to provide your succulent plants with enough light all through the winter.

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