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Top 16 Best Clothing Sewing Machine In 2024

Brandon Forder
  May 3, 2024 2:37 PM

Having a high-quality sewing machine is a great way to save money on wear and tear on your clothing. Sewing and crafting have never been more popular, so you can sell your creations online or at craft fairs with the help of a sewing machine.

If you've never used a sewing machine before, it can be intimidating because there are so many different types of machines and accessories to choose from. Despite the fact that some are pricey, the guide I've provided below shows how affordable it is to get a good all-purpose sewing machine. As previously mentioned, selling your handmade goods on Etsy is another way to make money from sewing.

With the best Cricut machines, you'll want a good sewing machine to help you cut your fabric precisely and quickly so you can start stitching right away. In addition to sewing machines, Brother also manufactures one of the best craft machines, which you can read about in our Brother ScanNCut review.

These sewing machines have been gathered together because of a limited budget. Starting with the cheapest sewing machines, I progress to the mid-range models, and finally, I finish with the most expensive models. If you're new to sewing, budget machines are a good place to start. For more information, see our guide on how we evaluate sewing and craft machines.

Top sewing machines can be mechanical, electronic or computerized; as you might expect, higher-tech machines cost more. When deciding which of our top sewing machines is best for you, consider the following questions:

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Buying Guide

Machine type

Sewing machines fall into a wide range of subcategories, including: There are a wide variety of stitches and functions that can be performed, and each machine has its own unique set of capabilities. Straight stitches can be made using two threads, but they can also be made using specialized stitches like zigzags and smockings, which can be pre-programmed into a traditional sewing machine. In addition to sewing, some sewing machines can sew buttonholes or perform basic embroidery. This list also includes sergers, or overlock machines, which use three or four threads to snip and finish the raw edges of fabric in one pass, and sewing machines with embroidery capabilities.

Even though there is some overlap between these types (my sewing machine has an overlock stitch setting, for example), the category will give you an idea of what your machine is designed to do best and what it will do most frequently with ease. Choosing a sewing machine is a balancing act between general use and a higher level of specialized efficiency, as is the case with many other home appliances. According to Millar, "You don't need to spend a fortune on the most expensive machine in the world to do most home sewing," and it's best to start with a basic sewing machine that can perform a wide range of common sewing tasks. Specialized machines can save you time and stress when it comes to specific projects, like quilting or making finished garments.

Quality-of-life features

Repetitive tasks, such as threading needles, can be made easier by features such as auto-threading, according to several experts we spoke to. Maayan Zilberman, the founder of candy company Sweet Saba, says a machine "needs to be really easy to thread," especially when you're starting out, "because if it's not easy to thread, then whenever you get a jam or need to switch color thread, it's another excuse to give up on the project." "It saves so much time and thread, which is important for someone who is constantly sewing and wants to be economical with their materials," says Loeffler Randall founder Jessie Randall.

Computerized versus mechanical

A mechanical, microchip-less sewing machine can't offer the same level of customizability as some modern computerized sewing machines. Mechanical machines are still preferred by many experts because of their simplicity and the ease with which they can be repaired. Designer and co-founder of Vaquera Bryn Taubensee says digital machines can have their own minds. "A straight and zigzag stitch is all that you really need," says the expert.

Your abilities

When it comes to stitching, how advanced are you?

The best sewing machine for making clothes should, of course, be one that is compatible with your skills and experience. There are machines for beginners, intermediate stitchers, and professionals who want to turn their hobby and passion into a full-fledged career.

Adjustable speed control

Beginners and children should look for a machine with an adjustable speed control. The stitching can be slowed down or sped up with this feature. When such a feature is available, it is much easier to learn and use.

One step buttonhole

Although it may not seem critical, I strongly advise you to forego the more laborious and time-consuming four-step buttonholer found on other models in favor of a machine with a one-step buttonholer. This is a feature that can benefit both novice and experienced sewists, but since it is typically found on more expensive machines, I would recommend it for those who are purchasing their first machine rather than those who are more experienced.

Needle position

Another useful feature is the ability to move the needle around as needed while working on your project. This comes in handy when attaching zippers, hemming, and top-stitching garments (e.g. for the lingerie here). Choosing a sewing machine with more than one needle position is highly recommended, especially if you are working on more complex designs and garments.


Those who are new to sewing will find this feature more appealing than those who are intermediate or advanced, but even those who make a living from sewing can get a kick out of it. Speed control is what I'm referring to.

Allows the user to control how fast the machine runs by adjusting the sliding speed control on many modern sewing machines. For a variety of reasons, this is a good idea.

When learning to sew, anyone who is new to the process will value the chance to go at their own pace. A more powerful machine, which they can first control and then unleash as their self-assuredness and abilities grow, will also be possible.

The ability to adjust the sewing machine's speed is still useful for experienced sewers, especially when tackling more complex projects. Even though it would be ideal to sew everything at breakneck speed, for most home sewers this is simply not possible when working on items that require some extra attention.

Purchasing a sewing machine with variable speed control has advantages that extend beyond the machine's speed. Those who have never driven a car have a difficult time operating the foot pedal. Yes, a lack of driving time can have an impact on your sewing abilities!

When you stop to think about it, this is pretty self-evident. Regularly driving the old jalopy improves your motor skills, making it easier to control any object with your foot.


Another factor to consider is that some pedals are more sensitive than others. Pressing the pedal on a few appliances has done nothing, and I've been there. Afterwards, the vehicle accelerates to 100 mph. It's not going well!

Pedals should not be jumpy or sticky, but rather smooth and sensitive across the entire pressure range. Variable speed control often provides an alternative method of controlling the machine if you find yourself having difficulty controlling it by foot: the stop/start button.

If your sewing machine has one of these bad boys, you can do away with the foot pedal completely. Your machine will happily chug along at the pre-set speed until you press the stop button.

It's a lifesaver!


If you're looking for something extra, but don't consider it a necessity, keep an eye out for these.

You'll save time and have more fun sewing if you have automatic needle threaders, bobbin winders, auto thread cutters (or trimmers, as some manufacturers call them), automatic tension settings, needle positioning, drop-in bobbins, and other such conveniences.


Despite the fact that the focus of this article is on the best sewing machine for making clothes, many of you will be looking for something more versatile.

especially if you're putting down a deposit of at least a few hundred dollars.

In light of this, it's a good idea to see what else your new appliance can do. Is it possible for you to make and fix soft furnishings? Upholstery is also an option. Is it strong enough to handle those thicker materials? Another option would be to include embroidery capabilities in the design.

Then there's the range of garments that can be produced. It's important to know if your new machine can handle delicate materials like silk. What about denim, which is a heavier fabric? What kind of sewing can you do with the machine if you can't change the stitch length? How wide should the stitches be?

Before you go out and buy your next (or first) sewing machine for making clothes, ask yourself as many questions as you can think of.

Portability And Size

Even if portability and size aren't important to everyone, it's worth mentioning for the sake of completeness.

Portability and size are important considerations if you plan to take sewing classes or are already a member of a local sewing circle. This will help you decide which sewing machine is best for making clothes. If you have a small sewing area at home, or if you prefer to put your machine away after use, you should also consider the machine's weight and size.

Knowing exactly what you want from a new device is key, so shop around until you find one that meets your needs. Not all of your dressmaking projects will necessitate a particular item.

If you really want to know if your new sewing machine is portable, you can cross-reference my post on portable sewing machines.


Another aspect that may worry some people and excite others about your new machine is its noise level. Quieter is always preferable in my opinion, but I can be finicky when it comes to excessive noise. Those who aren't, I'm sure, will be.

However, it's important to remember that noise isn't just a problem for you. The noise your appliance makes may go unnoticed by you, but it may have an effect on the people you share your home with.

Choosing a quiet sewing machine is important if you have young children and plan to sew in the evening while they are in bed. While all of them are mute, some are more enigmatic than others.

Aside from the kids, you have to worry about the rest of your family. Before making a purchase, you should think about your spouse as well. In the midst of your fashion project, the noise may seem inconsequential, but for the other half who is trying to read or catch up on their favorite television get the picture...

Aside from your immediate roommates, if you live in an apartment, you should consider your neighbors. You may be excited about your new dress or suit, but not everyone else will be. Sewing machines can be noisy beasts, and not everyone will share your enthusiasm.


How long can I expect a sewing machine to last?

Your machine will last a very long time if you buy the right one, take good care of it, and have it serviced.

What do I do if I have problems with my machine?

The majority of manufacturers offer after-sale service for replacement parts and troubleshooting.

I want to sew clothes, how many stitch options does my sewing machine need?

Honestly, there aren't a lot of people out there. Most projects can be completed with just a straight stitch, a buttonhole, and a zigzag stitch.

Do I need a coverstitch machine?

This is only necessary if you plan to sew a lot of sportswear and t-shirts that will be hemmed by a professional after they are completed.


Perhaps this post has been useful and informative to you. Investing in any of the machines listed here will pay off handsomely, but the ones I've chosen are the best.

Now it's up to you to come up with some new ideas...

and enjoy yourself while you're at it! Once you've completed your first project on your new machine, please send me an email so I can see what designs you've come up with.